I’ve had several conversations with people the past two weeks about how we’re all hoping that 2022 will be better than 2021. Everyone is tired of the pandemic and ready for life to return to “normal.”
My stock response has been to say, “I’m going to make it so,” but I also know that just saying so doesn’t make it happen.
Which got me thinking, how, exactly, am I going to make 2022 better than 2021? I’ve created vision boards in the past, which are fun and inspiring, and motivating. But by themselves, they don’t create change. This year I want massive results.
I started by creating my word for the year, the word that typifies what I want to experience this year.
For me, it’s “expansion.” Expansion in both my personal life and in my business life.
Then I developed a list of small actions I can take each month that will create expansion. I know that as I take these actions, my life will change in ways I can’t begin to imagine.
Here’s my commitment to myself:
Take one hike/week of at least two miles to someplace I’ve never been before. I’ve been walking daily for the past eight months and want to expand on this by exploring unfamiliar places. I joined the 52 Week Challenge to keep myself motivated and created a journal to track each of my walks. I’m using All Trails to find new trails and MapMyWalk to measure distance, pace and elevation. In addition, I’ve joined three local hiking groups that regularly host group hikes. I’m looking forward to meeting new people and exploring new places.
Try one new recipe/week. I cook almost all my food from scratch and have developed dozens of recipes that are healthy and easy to make. It’s easy to fall back on these recipes, but it gets boring. I already have a list of interesting recipes I’m excited to try out – some may be duds, but I know I’m going to find some new favorites.
Develop one new habit/month. I’ve heard that if you do anything for 30 days, it can become a habit, so I’m choosing one new thing each month that I’d like to either quit doing or start doing and do it for 30 days. It doesn’t have to be a major change, because even tiny actions can lead to huge results. This month I’ve doing a gratitude practice, something I’ve done sporadically over the past year and want to make more intentional. For me, that means listening to a gratitude meditation every morning and then reflecting on what I’m grateful for throughout the day. I’m excited to think that after one year, I’ll have twelve new empowering habits!
Eat at one new vegan restaurant/month. I’ve been a vegan for the past ten years, and the number of restaurants offering vegan choices has exploded compared to what it used to be. I’ve been choosing the vegan restaurants close to me for convenience, but there are dozens throughout the Atlanta area, so each month, I’m picking a new one to experience, whether it’s dining in or dining out.
Create one new relationship each month. In both my personal and professional life, I’m seeking opportunities to meet more people, people with diverse viewpoints and backgrounds, and then nurture these relationships. Whether they last for a week or are enduring, I hope to add value to their lives and know they will for me.
Read one business book/month. Like many others, I have a stack of books to go through, all of which I know will expand my mind and develop me as a person and a business owner. As a busy entrepreneur, I also know that the only way I can get through them is to dedicate a specific time each day to read and reflect on them (even if it’s for only 15 minutes). This month I’m reading “The Gap and the Gain” by Dan Sullivan, a mind-shifting strategy to celebrate your successes and stay motivated.
Attend one networking event/month, whether it’s virtual or in-person. Before the pandemic, I attended three or more in-person networking events/month, met a lot of interesting people, and established some great relationships, but my networking dropped off over the past two years. Like many others, I developed Zoom fatigue and stopped attending virtual events. No more! I’m ready to resume networking, virtual or in-person, and have developed a plan to expand these relationships outside the networking group.
Go on one new adventure/month. For me, an adventure is something I haven’t done before that fills me with joy. Just thinking about this gets me excited! I’m not sure exactly what these adventures will be, but I know that if I look for them, I’ll find them.
2022 is going to be a momentous year! Not because I say it will be, but because I’m going to take the actions to make it happen. Of course, there may be unexpected challenges and disappointments along the way – that’s part of life. There will also be wonderful surprises and results that I can’t begin to imagine now.
To keep me on track and to celebrate my accomplishments along the way, I’ve created a notebook to log all my expansions for the year. I’m already looking forward to next New Year’s Eve, when I plan to pull it out and celebrate all I’ve achieved and how I’ve grown.
2022 is going to be a wonderful year because I’m going to create it.
What about you? What are you doing to create an amazing 2022 for yourself?
Claudia Rossi with Revolution You Coaching helps individuals who are feeling stuck in their career or business decide on their next step and then create it. If you’re seeking expansion and are feeling stuck, schedule a free, no-obligation Discovery Call and learn how to create your own new reality.